Review of the novelties from the 32nd ECTRIMS congress, 2016, presented at the 9th post-ECTRIMS meeting (II). |
2017 |
Fernandez O; Oterino A; Oreja-Guevara C; Prieto JM; Mendibe-Bilbao MM; Garcia-Merino JA; Ramio-Torrenta L; Ginestal R; Meca-Lallana JE; Romero-Pinel L; Munoz D; Oliva-Nacarino P; Calles-Hernandez MC; |
Review |
Epidemiology of NMOSD in Catalonia: Influence of the new 2015 criteria in incidence and prevalence estimates |
2017 |
Sepúlveda M; Aldea M; Escudero D; Llufriu S; Arrambide; Otero-Romero S; Sastre-Garriga J; Romero-Pinel L; Martínez-Yélamos S; Sola-Valls N; Armangué T; Sotoca J; Escartín A; Robles-Cedeño R; Ramió-Tor |
Article d'investigació |
Environmental-analytical risk factors influence on the phenotype of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in a rural setting |
2017 |
Gonzalez-Mingot C; Romagosa Sanchez-Monge I; Purroy F; Solana-Moga MJ; Peralta-Moncusi S; Lazo-Latorre C; Gil-Villar MP; Brieva L. |
Article d'investigació |
Psychometric properties of the SDM-Q-9 questionnaire for shared decision-making in multiple sclerosis: item response theory modelling and confirmatory factor analysis. |
2017 |
Ballesteros J; Moral E; Brieva L; Ruiz-Beato E; Prefasi D; Maurino J. |
Article d'investigació |
Review of the novelties from the 32nd ECTRIMS congress, 2016, presented at the 9th post-ECTRIMS meeting (I). |
2017 |
Fernandez O; Oterino A; Oreja-Guevara C; Prieto JM;Mendibe-Bilbao MM; Garcia-Merino JA; Ramio-Torrenta L; Ginestal R; Meca-Lallana JE; Romero-Pinel L; Munoz D; Oliva-Nacarino P; Calles-Hernandez MC; I |
Review |
A study to evaluate the effect of ultrasound treatment on nodules in multiple sclerosis patients. |
2016 |
Sánchez AG; Andrade EL; Marsal JV; Tauste LA; Mingot CG; Monge JL; Puértolas MC; Calero NS; Argemí AS; Badia BG; Moncusí SP; Benito HG; Peñabad LN; Pujol ML; Nieves I; Collado M; Ruiz LB. |
Article d'investigació |
Cerebellar ataxia and autoantibodies restricted to glutamic acid decarboxylase 67 (GAD67). |
2016 |
Mar Guasp; Nuria Solà Valls; Eugenia Martínez Hernández; M Pilar Gil; Cristina González; Luis Brieva; Albert Saiz; Josep Dalmau; Francesc Graus; Helena Ariño. |
Article d'investigació |
Review of the novelties from the 31st ECTRIMS congress, 2015, presented at the 8th post-ECTRIMS meeting. |
2016 |
Fernandez O; Rodriguez-Antiguedad A; Olascoaga J; Oreja-Guevara C; Prieto JM; Mendibe-Bilbao MM; Garcia-Merino JA; Ramio-Torrenta L; Ginestal R; Meca-Lallana JE; Romero-Pinel L; Munoz D; Saiz A; Calle |
Article d'investigació |
Clinicopathological correlations and concomitant pathologies in rapidly progressive dementia: a brain bank series |
2015 |
Grau-Rivera O; Gelpi E, Nos C, Gaig C, Ferrer I, Saiz A, Lladó A, Molinuevo JL, Graus F, Sánchez-Valle R; Neurological Tissue Bank Collaborative Group: Andreu E, Arino S, Atienza A, Batlle J, Berlanga |
Article d'investigació |
Review of the novelties from the 2014 ECTRIMS-ACTRIMS joint congress, presented at the 7th post-ECTRIMS meeting (II). |
2015 |
Fernandez O; Alvarez-Cermeno JC, Arroyo R, Brieva L, Calles-Hernandez MC, Casanova-Estruch B, Comabella M, Garcia-Merino JA, Ginestal R, Izquierdo G, Meca-Lallana JE, Mendibe-Bilbao MM, Montalban X, M |
Review |
Review of the novelties from the 2014 ECTRIMS-ACTRIMS joint congress, presented at the 7th post-ECTRIMS meeting (I) |
2015 |
Fernandez O, Alvarez-Cermeno JC, Arroyo R, Brieva L, Calles-Hernandez MC, Casanova-Estruch B, Comabella M, Garcia-Merino JA, Ginestal R, Izquierdo G, Meca-Lallana JE, Mendibe-Bilbao MM, Montalban X, M |
Review |
Similar biological effect of high-dose oral versus intravenous methylprednisolone in multiple sclerosis relapses. |
2015 |
Grau-López L, Teniente-Serra A, Tintoré M, Rovira A, Ramió-Torrenta L, Brieva L, Saiz A, Cano A, Carmona O, Hervás JV, Martínez-Cáceres EM, Ramo-Tello C. |
Article d'investigació |
Natalizumab |
2015 |
Luis Brieva Ruiz |
Capítol de llibre docent |
Baseline clinical status as a predictor of methylprednisolone response in multiple sclerosis relapses. |
2015 |
Cristina Ramo-Tello; Mar Tintoré; Alex Rovira; Luis Ramió-Torrenta; Luis Brieva; Albert Saiz; Albert Saiz; Antonio Cano; Olga Carmona; Jose V Hervás; Laia Grau-López. |
Article d'investigació |
Placebo-controlled trial of oral laquinimod in multiple sclerosis: MRI evidence of an effect on brain tissue damage. |
2014 |
Filippi M, Rocca MA, Pagani E, De Stefano N, Jeffery D, Kappos L, Montalban X, Boyko AN, Comi G; ALLEGRO Study Group. Collaborators (170) |
Article d'investigació |
Review of the novelties presented at the 29th congress of the european committee for treatment and research in multiple sclerosis (ECTRIMS) (III). |
2014 |
Fernández Ó, Álvarez-Cermeño JC, Arnal-García C, Arroyo-González R, Brieva L, Calles-Hernández MC, Casanova-Estruch B, Comabella M, García-Merino JA, Izquierdo G, Meca-Lallana J, Mendibe-Bilbao Mdel M |
Review |
Revisión de las novedades presentadas en el XXIX congreso del comité Europeo para el tratamiento e investigación en esclerosis múltiple (ECTRIMS) (III). |
2014 |
Oscar Fernandez; Jose Alvarez cermeño; Rafael Arroyo Gonzalez; Luis Brieva Ruiz; Manuel Comabella; jose garcia merino; jose Meca Lallana; Maria del MAr Mendibe Bilbao; Javier olascoaga; Celia Oreja Gu |
Article en premsa |
A randomized clinical trial of oral versus intravenous methylprednisolone for relapse of MS. |
2014 |
C Ramo Tello; L Grau López; M Tintoré; A Rovira; L Ramió i Torrenta; L Brieva; A Cano; O Carmona; A Saiz; F Torres; P Giner; C Nos; A Massuet; X Montalbán; E Martínez Cáceres; J Costa. |
Article d'investigació |
Neuromielitis óptica con espasmos frecuentes y espasticidad leve o nula. |
2014 |
Luis Brieva |
Capítol de llibre docent |
Review of the novelties presented at the 29th congress of the european committee for treatment and research in multiple sclerosis (ECTRIMS) (II) |
2014 |
Fernández Ó, Álvarez-Cermeño JC, Arnal-García C, Arroyo-González R, Brieva L, Calles-Hernández MC, Casanova-Estruch B, Comabella M, García-Merino JA, Izquierdo G, Meca-Lallana JE, Mendibe-Bilbao Mdel |
Review |
Review of the novelties presented at the 29th congress of the european committee for treatment and research in multiple sclerosis (ECTRIMS) (I). |
2014 |
Fernandez O, Alvarez-Cermeno JC, Arnal-Garcia C, Arroyo-Gonzalez R, Brieva L, Calles-Hernandez MC, Casanova-Estruch B, Comabella M, Garcia-Merino JA, Izquierdo G, Meca-Lallana JE, Mendibe-Bilbao MM, M |
Review |
Guía de práctica clínica sobre la atención
a las personas
con esclerosis múltiple |
2013 |
María Jesús Arévalo Navinés; Anna Aymamí Soler; Jordi Batlle Nadal; Inmaculada Bonaventura Ibars Neuróloga; Inmaculada Bori de Fortuny; Luís Brieva Ruiz; Enric Bufill Soler; Antonio Cano Orgaz; Olga C |
Altres llibres |
Review of the novelties presented at the 28th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) (I). |
2013 |
Óscar Fernández; Carmen Arnal García; Rafael Arroyo González; Lluís Brieva; M Carmen Calles Hernández; Bonaventura Casanova Estruch; Manuel Comabella; Virginia de Las Heras; Juan A García Merino; Migu |
Article d'investigació |
Placebo-controlled trial of oral laquinimod for multiple sclerosis. |
2012 |
Giancarlo Comi; Douglas Jeffery; Ludwig Kappos; Xavier Montalban; Alexey Boyko; Maria A Rocca; Massimo Filippi. |
Article d'investigació |
Review of the novelties presented at the 27th congress of the european committee for treatment and research in multiple sclerosis (ECTRIMS) (I). |
2012 |
Fernández Ó, Álvarez-Cermeño JC, Arroyo-González R, Brieva L, Calles-Hernández MC, Casanova-Estruch B, Comabella M, de las Heras V, García-Merino JA, Hernández-Pérez MA, Izquierdo G, Meca-Lallana JE, |
Review |
Review of the novelties presented at the 27th congress of the european committee for treatment and research in multiple sclerosis (ECTRIMS) (II). |
2012 |
Fernandez O, Alvarez-Cermeno JC, Arroyo-Gonzalez R, Brieva L, Calles-Hernandez MC, Casanova-Estruch B, Comabella M, de las Heras V, Garcia-Merino JA, Hernandez-Perez MA, Izquierdo G, Meca-Lallana JE, |
Review |
Lipidome analysis in multiple sclerosis reveals protein lipoxidative damage as a potential pathogenic mechanism. |
2012 |
Gonzalo H; Brieva L; Tatzber F; Jové M; Cacabelos D; Cassanyé A; Lanau-Angulo L; Boada J; Serrano JC; González C; Hernández L; Peralta S; Pamplona R; Portero-Otin M. |
Article d'investigació |
Higher Carotid intima media thickness predicts extracranial vascular events and not stroke recurrence among transient ischemic attack patients |
2012 |
Purroy F; Montserrat J; Begué R; Gil MI; Quílez A; Sanahuja J; Brieva L; Pardina M; Piñol-Ripoll G |
Article d'investigació |
Patterns of difussion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging assocaited witth etiology improve the accuracy of prognosis after transient ischemic attack |
2011 |
Purroy F, Begué R, Gil MI, Quílez A, Sanahuja J, Brieva L, Piñol-Ripoll G. |
Article d'investigació |
Validation of the spanish version of the multiple sclerosis international quality of life (Musiqol) questionnaire. |
2011 |
Fernández O, Fernández V, Baumstarck-Barrau K, Muñoz L, Gonzalez Alvarez Mdel M, Arrabal JC, León A, Alonso A, López-Madrona JC, Bustamante R, Luque G, Guerrero M, di Cantogno EV, Auquier P; MusiQoL s |
Article d'investigació |
Interferon β-1b for the treatment of primary progressive multiple sclerosis: five-year clinical trial follow-up. |
2011 |
Tur C, Montalban X, Tintoré M, Nos C, Río J, Aymerich FX, Brieva L, Téllez N, Perkal H, Comabella M, Galán I, Calle D, Sastre-Garriga J, Rovira A. |
Article d'investigació |
¿Qué puede aportar la determinación del grosor íntima-media carotídeo al proceso diagnóstico del ataque isquémico transitorio? |
2010 |
Purroy F., Quílez-Martínez A., Pardina M., Suárez-Luis I., Sanahuja-Montesinos J., Brieva L., Piñol-Ripoll G. |
Article d'investigació |
Validation of the ABCDI and ABCD2I scales in the registry of patients with transient ischemic attacks from Lleida (REGITELL) Spain |
2010 |
Purroy F, Piñol-Ripoll G, Quílez A, Sanahuja J, Brieva L, Suárez Luis I. |
Article d'investigació |
How can determination of the carotid intima-media thickness contribute to the process of diagnosing transient ischaemic attacks?]. |
2010 |
Francisco Purroy; Alejandro Quílez Martínez; Marina Pardina; Idalmis Suárez Luis; Jordi Sanahuja Montesinos; Luis Brieva; Gerard Piñol Ripoll. |
Article d'investigació |
Estudio de las implicaciones pronósticas del manejo del paciente con ataque isquémico transitorio antes de la implantación de un proceso consensuado de manejo y tratamiento en la región sanitaria de L |
2010 |
Purroy F, Sole A, Oro M, Quílex A, Llobet C, Sanahuja J, Brieva L, Cabré X, Setó E, Piñol-Ripoll G |
Article d'investigació |
Predictive value of ankle brachial index in patients with acute ischaemic stroke |
2010 |
Purroy F, Coll B, Oro M, Seto E, Pinol-Ripoll G, Plana A, Quilez A, Sanahuja J, Brieva L, Vega L, Fernandez E. |
Article d'investigació |
Validación de la escala ABCDI y ABCD2I en el registro de pacientes con ataque isquémico transitorio de Lleida (REGITELL) |
2010 |
Purroy F., Piñol-Ripoll G., Quílez A., Sanahuja J., Brieva L., Suárez-Luis I. |
Article d'investigació |
Progression on the Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite in multiple sclerosis: what is the optimal cut-off for the three components?. |
2010 |
L V A E Bosma; J J Kragt; L Brieva; Z Khaleeli; X Montalban; C H Polman; A J Thompson; M Tintoré; B M J Uitdehaag. |
Article d'investigació |
Acute transient ataxia caused by local lidocaine injection during insertion of a pleural catheter |
2009 |
José Manuel Porcel; Luis Brieva; Joan Antoni Schoenenberger. |
Article d'investigació |
The California, ABCD, and unified ABCD2 risk scores and the presence of acute ischemic lesions on diffusion-weighted imaging in TIA patients |
2009 |
Purroy F, Begué R, Quílez A, Piñol-Ripoll G, Sanahuja J, Brieva L, Setó E, Gil MI. |
Article d'investigació |
Implicaciones diagnósticas del perfil de recurrencia tras un ataque isquémico transitorio. |
2009 |
Francisco Purroy, Robert Begue, Alejandro Quılez, Gerard Piñol-Ripoll, Jordi Sanahuja, Luis Brieva, Eloisa Seto´ y Maria Isabel Gil |
Article d'investigació |
Ataxia aguda transitoria por lidocaína local durante la inserción de un catéter pleural. |
2009 |
Porcel JM, Brieva L, Schoenenberger JA. |
Article d'investigació |
L'atac isquèmic transitori: coneixement i maneig |
2009 |
F. Purroy, A. Quílez, J. Sanahuja, L. Brieva, E. Setó, M.I. Gil, R. Begué, J. Díez, C. Salas, C. Vicandi, A. Plana, G. Piñol-Ripoll |
Ressenya en revista divulgativa |
A single-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of interferon beta-1b on primary progressive and transitional multiple sclerosis. |
2009 |
X Montalban; J Sastre Garriga; M Tintoré; L Brieva; F X Aymerich; J Río; J Porcel; C Borràs; C Nos; A Rovira. |
Article d'investigació |
The search for responsive clinical endpoints in primary progressive multiple sclerosis. |
2009 |
L V A E Bosma; J J Kragt; L Brieva; Z Khaleeli; X Montalban; C H Polman; A J Thompson; M Tintoré; B M J Uitdehaag. |
Article d'investigació |
Diagnostic lessons of recurrence pattern after transient ischemic attacks |
2009 |
Francisco Purroy; Robert Begué; Alejandro Quílez; Gerard Piñol Ripoll; Jordi Sanahuja; Luis Brieva; Eloisa Setó; Maria Isabel Gil. |
Article d'investigació |
Detección mediante el índice tobillo-brazo de enfermedad arterial periférica silente en pacientes con ictus isquémico |
2008 |
Purroy F, Oró M, Quílez A, Sanahuja J, Brieva L, Granés P. |
Article d'investigació |
Anti-Ri-associated paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration and breast cancer: An autopsy case study. |
2008 |
Brieva L, Diaz M, Matias-Guiu X, Márquez D, Tarragona J, Graus F. |
Article d'investigació |
Fatigue in progressive multiple sclerosis is associated with low levels of dehydroepiandrosterone. |
2007 |
Nieves Téllez; Manuel Comabella; Eva Julià; Jordi Río; Mar Tintoré; Luís Brieva; Carlos Nos; Xavier Montalban. |
Article d'investigació |
FXTAS in spanish patients with ataxia: support for female FMR1 premutation screening. |
2007 |
Laia Rodriguez Revenga; Beatriz Gómez Anson; Esteban Muñoz; Dolores Jiménez; Monica Santos; Mar Tintoré; Gisela Martín; Luis Brieva; Montserrat Milà. |
Article d'investigació |
Chromosome 5 and multiple sclerosis |
2005 |
Ricardo Palacios; Ion Aguirrezabal; Begona Fernandez Diez; Luis Brieva; Pablo Villoslada. |
Article d'investigació |
Specific proliferation towards myelin antigens in patients with multiple sclerosis during a relapse. |
2002 |
Irene Sáez Torres; Luis Brieva; Carmen Espejo; Miquel A Barrau; Xavier Montalban; Eva M Martínez Caceres. |
Article d'investigació |